A Morning After Election Rant

Kurt Griffith
2 min readJan 6, 2021


It’s been an interesting night and morning. For surreal, NEWSMAX was the first media organization to call the race for John Ossoff. Wait. What?

Now I don’t want to go off on a rant here, but…

So It looks like Team Blue may have prevailed in Georgia. But with narrow margins — we’re going to see recounts, lawsuits, noise and months of bullpukcey to shovel through. It doesn’t matter what GA election law says, the President has written the playbook on discrediting elections they don’t like.

I actually resent that the Trump Noise Machine is stealing the attention from Stacy Abrams and the incredible get out the vote mobilization effort she spearheaded. If not for her and her people, we’d be having a different conversation this morning.

I have come to associate claims of “voter fraud” as a not-very-subtle dog whistle of “we allowed too many Democrats and people of color to vote, and we allowed their votes to be counted.” The Republican party has been the Party of Voter Suppression for decades.

And both parties have the unfortunate habit of characterizing razor-thin, super-fragile victories as “triumphant mandates.” Georgia is not Blue state now in any meaningful way, it is Deep Purple and divided. It is as disingenuous and misleading as the consensus narrative Blue State/Red State electoral maps media organizations are so fond of, which would be far more representative of the actual state of the Nation rendered as shades of purple. Both practices actually help drive divisiveness by emphasizing difference and marginalizing Democratic and Republican minorities in their respective states.

I will remind the attentive is what, “working class Americans want is plenty of full time jobs at decent pay. That’s all they want, and it’s the only thing they’ll accept; give them that and they’re happy, don’t give them that and it doesn’t matter what else you offer them.”john Michael Greer.

Hardly any other issue matters, Democrats ignore this, Republicans promise it, but don’t deliver much beyond tax cuts for the wealthy and megacorps.

So now that’s it’s the Democrat’s turn to f**k s**t up. I figure that Joe Biden’s Administration has about 18 months to make material differences in working and middle class Americans lives or they’re toast in the 2022 midterms. The Comfortable Classes are doing just fine, remotin’ and zoomin’ and having all their essentials delivered. But the rest of us are suffering, dying, and being financially crushed.

That’s just my, hopefully informed, opinion. But what do I know? I’m just like… you know, a Citizen ’n’ all dat shizzzz.



Kurt Griffith

Graphic & Web Designer, Science and SF enthusiast. Owner/Creative Director at Fantastic Realities Studio.